Mangalam Bhimseni Camphor


Mangalam Bhimseni Pure Camphor is a brand of camphor produced by the Mangalam Organics Limited, which is a leading manufacturer and exporter of camphor, camphor derivatives, and essential oils in India. Mangalam Bhimseni Pure Camphor is made from natural camphor that is extracted from the wood of the camphor tree.

As per our holy scriptures, pure camphor symbolizes union with god as it burns completely, leaving behind no trace. Pure Camphor aarti dispels negativity, keeps one healthy and attracts prosperity.

Mangalam Bhimseni Camphor is Pure and is made from 100% camphor, which is derived from the pine tree. Involve Mangalam Bhimseni Camphor in your daily puja and you will notice a change in energy levels and positive aura around you.


Increase your Oxygen Intake

Use Bhimseni Camphor on a Diffuser, it melts down slowly on a diffuser spreading a light aroma. The aroma get mixes with the oxygen, so whenever you breathe it leads to increase intake. There is slight change in the surrounding air, compared to before.

Burn it on a Diffuser or for Puja

Bhimseni Camphor can be used on a Diffuser as well as on Puja. Bhimseni Camphor when used on diffuser it spreads the aroma which can enlighten the whole mood.

Connect your Soul to Spirituality

Confess & Connect yourself to the Almighty (God) and spread the Spirituality.

Remove Negativity from you’re surrounding.

Camphor symbolizes Purity, when a camphor is burned an enlightenment is felt around the surrounding; this leads to removal of negative thoughts, negative feeling, etc.

100% Purity

Mangalam Pure Bhimseni camphor claims to serve 100% pure camphor, leading to its originality and motto.


50 GM, 100 GM, 250 GM


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Mangalam Bhimseni Camphor

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